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Schedule FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About the Schedule Module

JD Williams avatar
Written by JD Williams
Updated over a month ago

Q: Can we import Excel files?
A: Not at the moment, but this functionality is being developed for future updates.

Q: Can we track actual vs. baseline?
A: This feature is not currently available.

Q: If I publish a schedule and set it as the main schedule, can other parties on-system view it?
A: Yes, but you’ll need to share the schedule using the action options. Refer to the How to Navigate Schedule article for more details.

Q: Can you copy or duplicate a schedule?
A: Currently, schedules cannot be copied or duplicated.

Q: Can you create different versions of a schedule?
A: Creating multiple versions of a schedule is not supported at this time.

Q: What notifications are sent from the Schedule module?
A: Notifications are sent when you're invited to access a schedule and when you follow a schedule activity.

This Q&A highlights the current functionality of the Schedule module and provides insight into its future improvements.

See Also

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