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Updating the Schedule
JD Williams avatar
Written by JD Williams
Updated over a year ago

In the General Information tab we can update the several activity fields

  1. Name: Update the activity name

  2. Start Date: Edit start date

  3. End Date: Edit end date

  4. Category: Assign a construction category to an activity

  5. Working Days: Edit the activity duration

  6. Progress: Modify the advancement of an activity by adjusting its percentage

  7. Responsible Party: Assign a responsible party to an activity

  8. Type: Change activity to milestone

  9. Critical Path: Assign a critical path

  10. Tasks: Create a task for an activity

  11. Change Order: Create a change order for activity

Connected Activities:

Update the activity relationship predecessors and successors.

Update Progress:

  1. Drag the activity bar to the required start date

  2. Click on the activity

    1. Review the start date and duration

  3. Update the activity connection

    1. Review the predecessor and successor

    2. Review Connection Type - Finish to Start (FS), Start to Start (SS), Finish to Finish (FF), & Start to Finish (SF)

  4. Float: Add or Remove float of a schedule


Our milestone list view displays milestones, showing names, phases, status, baseline, anticipated, and actual dates.

You can set a milestone by setting the activity duration to '0" or select the toggle type to milestone in the general information tab.


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