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The article explains how to use the Inspections feature in INGENIOUS.BUILD to create templates, manage inspection requests, and perform inspections efficiently.

JD Williams avatar
Written by JD Williams
Updated over 2 months ago


The Inspections feature on INGENIOUS.BUILD enables users to create customizable templates within their workspace and apply them project-by-project. With these templates, users can efficiently create inspection requests, assign inspectors or project team members, and manage the inspection process.

Lists and Templates

  • Users can create templates for various inspection types: Safety, Quality, Environmental, and Others.

  • Questions within templates can have the following answer types: Multi-select, Single Choice, and Text Input.

  • Users can specify if a question is required to be answered.

  • Admins can create Company Templates (accessible to all users) and My Templates (available only to the creator).

  • Non-admins have read-only access to Company Templates.​

Create Inspection Request

  1. On the Listing View, inspections are organized under Pending and Completed tabs based on their status.

  2. Users can create a new inspection request directly from the listing view. After selecting a template, the following details can be added:

    • Inspection title and type

    • Specify whether the user is the inspector or assign another inspector

    • Inspection date

Once all required fields are completed, the user can proceed to preview the selected inspection template in a read-only format (optional) or save the request as pending, which submits the inspection.

Start and Perform Inspection

The assigned inspector can initiate the inspection by clicking "Add New Inspection" and completing:

  1. Fill Survey: Answer the inspection prompts.

  2. Files: Upload supporting documentation.

  3. Final Review: Provide the final assessment and complete the inspection.

Inspections can be saved as pending at any point for later completion.

Access and Permissions

  • Inspectors and inspection members have equal access to edit the entirety of the inspection.

  • The originator must be added as a member to edit the inspection.

  • If an inspector is assigned, they do not need to be added as a member.

  • For example, the workflow will function as expected if the Project Manager is the listed inspector and the Team Lead is a listed inspection member.

Other Details

All users in the Project Directory can view inspections in a read-only format, regardless of their role or the inspection's status.


The Inspections feature is available on all workspaces and the mobile app.

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