With our intuitive platform, both administrators and individual contributors can build templates that cater to company-wide or personal needs. Whether you are organizing a team sync, a project review, or a strategic discussion, our customizable templates save you time by pre-structuring key categories and topics, allowing for smoother collaboration and more productive meetings.
Step 1: Accessing the Lists and Templates - Meetings Card
Navigate to the "Lists and Templates" module by going to the left navigation sidebar.
Click "View Meetings Templates".
Step 2: Viewing Available Templates
Within the Meetings group, you will see two categories: "Company Templates" and "Your Templates".
"Company Templates" include templates available for the entire organization.
"Your Templates" are templates you've created or accessed as an individual contributor.
Note: Company templates can only be updated by workplace administrators.
Step 3: Creating a New Template
To create a new template, click "Create New Template".
A dialog box will appear, where you can create the template under "Company Templates" or "Your Templates" if you don't have an administrator account type.
Provide a Name for your template. For example, you could name it "TEST".
Add a brief Template Description, like "Owner, Architect, and Contractor weekly sync".
Step 4: Configuring Categories and Topics
Start by typing in the category on the "Type to Add New Category..." field.
For instance, "Project Progress".
Under each category, add relevant topics related to that category. Some example topics could be "Summary of Work Done", "Work in Progress", and "Pending Tasks".
After configuring your categories and topics, click the "Create" button in the top right corner to save your changes.
Step 5: Edit and Rearrange Categories and Topics
You can always revisit and edit the template you created earlier.
If needed, you can rearrange the order of categories or topics within the template by clicking and dragging the category or topic to the desired position.
Step 6: Utilizing the Content Bar
On the right side of the template, you will find the Content bar.
The Content bar provides an overview of the template's categories.
Clicking on a specific category in the Content bar will update the page view to that category's location.
After making any necessary adjustments to the template, don't forget to Save your changes.
My Templates Functionality
"My Templates" work similarly to "Company Templates", allowing individual contributors to create and manage their templates with the same steps and functionality.
Duplicating Templates
Ability to easily duplicate a template. Simply click on the duplicate icon on the right side of the template.
Archiving Templates
Congratulations! You have successfully created and customized templates within the Meetings group.
These templates can help you organize and standardize information, making it easier to collaborate and communicate effectively with your team.