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How do I Mark a Project as 'Completed'?

This article explains how to mark a project as "Completed" in INGENIOUS, removing it from the active projects list and categorizing it appropriately.

JD Williams avatar
Written by JD Williams
Updated over 3 months ago


This guide provides clear instructions for marking a project as "Completed," helping users efficiently manage their workspace. By updating a project's status, users can keep the active projects list focused on ongoing work—those with statuses like "Scheduled," "In Progress," or "Feasibility"—while projects marked as "Completed," "On Hold," or "Cancelled" are automatically hidden, ensuring better organization and streamlined project tracking.

To view "Completed" projects, change the filter in the Projects list and select "Completed."


  1. Select the project from the Projects list.

  2. Navigate to the Project Settings module from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click Project Information, then click Edit.

4. Change the status to Completed and click Save Settings.

Also See:

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