The Companies feature lets you view and edit companies in your workspace. All account types can add a new company to the workspace. Once a company is added to your company's workspace, individual people can be added to that company as contacts.
To add a new company, you must first navigate to the contacts module, and a Add New Contact with a domain that is not associated with an existing company in your company list.
Add New Company
1. After entering an email associated with a new domain, the ability to enter a new company will be displayed.
2. Enter the company's name, address, zip code, city, and country. You will also need to select what the company does from a drop-down. This will assign this company a unique workspace (Design, Owner/Developer, Owner's representative, General Contractor, Subcontractor, or Other) if the users are invited to collaborate on the system. After this information is entered, hit "Save to Contacts List."
3. The company created when entering the contact is now available on the companies tab of the contacts module.
Edit Companies Details
You will only be able to edit company details for off-system companies. The companies on-system will need to update their information on their end.
Navigate to the Contacts dropdown tab on the left navigation and click Companies
Click the company you wish to edit
Click Edit Details in the upper right-hand corner to edit company details, and click Save at the bottom to save edits.
The notes feature allows you to add notes and tag a contact from that company
See Also